Trish and Wyatt

Trish the "ocean cowgirl" :)

Trish and I with my shark

Dad getting ready to brave the weather

and Finally... Wyatt and Dad's Haibut!!
Ok Jen, I know its been awhile, now dont bug me for awhile ;) As you all know I started working more "full time" earlier than expected for my friend who went on Maternity leave. So thats been keeping me busy. Instead of 35-40 hrs every two weeks, im working no less than 60+ hrs every two wks. I just got back from a fishing trip to the ocean with my Dad, Sister and nephew yesterday. We were gone 6 days, and we had a really good time. Had some problems with the weather that cut out quite a bit of our "fishing" time, but we lived to see another day, and enjoyed the time we did have fishing. Yesterday also marked 12 yrs of marriage for Rob and I. :) Were planning on maybe having a special dinner or something this coming weekend, I have only seen Rob for about 2 hrs in 2 weeks. Between his bike trip and my ocean trip, plus working - Robs on graveyards and stays up with the kids during the day, then I come home and he goes to bed.... we dont get much time together. But once school is in things will go back to more of a "normal" for us. The kids are growing up DAILY, time really does need to slow down a bit. Before I know it they'll be married and gone :( Well off to make some dinnner. Homemade fish and chips with fresh Halibut from the ocean :)